2009 04 03 kväll..

fredag kväll och jag sitter hemma just nu och har kollat på tv med mamma, Jonas ligger inne på rummet och är o social nu:(

Har varit på picknick ikväll vid Högklint och sett på solnedgången, var riktigt trevligt faktiskt:)

Kommer inte på så mycket att skriva om så jag skriver ner den där fina dikten jag fick av lilla syster när hon kom hem från Gran Canaria..

My sister.

It's often hard to find the time
It can be awkward too
To say what you feel deep within
Like the way I feel for you
We often take for granted
The relationship we have got
I know that we've had our ups and downs
But we love each other a lot

It goes much deeper than this though
You'll know it when I say
It's wonderful to know you're there
Each and every day
We've had our days together
We argued and fought to hold our own
There were times when I thought you werer
The most stubborn girl I had known

The unimportant silly stuff
Dissapeared with time and years
Friendship and love developed
As we shared each others fears

We rely on one another
In a sisterly  kind of way
This is the way it has been
It is the way it will surely stay
You're my nearest and my dearest
And I know that we will be
Joined together by our special bond
For all eternity.

Syskonkärlek 4-ever


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